
 :: Is Everyone an Expert? Why the Internet may be Killing Pro Wrestling.
 :: Entertainment in a Time of Tragedy
 :: The Kayfabe Killer: Young and Relentless
 :: The Parasite Returns: Is Bischoff hurting the WWE?
 :: The Kayfabe Killer: 1st Edition
:: latest news ::
09.20.02  ::  I finally got my site up and running. There are still lots of new additions to come, so look for them!
09.17.02  ::  Today was my first day at KB Toys. Finally, I am no longer unemployed. Thanks Robbie!
09.03.02  ::  I started my first day as a Wrestlingdotcom.com columnist with a bang. You can check out my 1st Edition column above.
Bottom Line: This website is designed for the intent to feature quality amateur wrestling columns and news. I don't appreciate horrid columnists from pre-teens or pretty boys with no writing skills. There will be no spamming of advertisement and empty threads, articles, or news. You won't find any oblivious links here, nor will you have to read obnoxious "backstage heat" and "insider reports." You also won't find a bunch of pretty boy, glamour shit here. For those of you who do love to promote yourself over you work, then I mean you! None of that has a damn thing to do with wrestling, so don't bring it into the business. Let your work speak for yourself, and if it can't, please shut the hell up.




All Rights Reserved. Content on this site is copyright unless stated otherwise. Contact Michael for more information.
